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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 43 m², U jezera, Prague, Prague

Flat for sale 2+kk • 43 m² without real estateU jezera, Prague - Stodůlky

U jezera, Prague - StodůlkyPartially equipped
PriceCZK 4,990,000

Krásný byt 2+kk v 7. nadzemním podlaží panelového domu s výtahem ve vyhledávané části pražských Stodůlek přímo u stanice metra "B" Luka a u Centrálního parku. Výjimečná lokalita v blízkosti Prokopského údolí s veškerou občanskou vybaveností. Díky své poloze je byt vhodný jak pro vlastní bydlení, tak na investici. S financováním Vám rádi pomůžeme.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID742611
Fully furnishedPartly
RisksPrověřit »
Užitná plocha43
UmístěníKlidná část
ConditionUnder construction
Building constructionPrefab concrete
Cena za jednotkuCZK 116,047 / m2

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